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  • CONNECTOR_TYPE: “Type of connector: Defines if the user wants to push the data to the connector or consume the data from the connector”
  • CONNECTORS: “Different Connectors, where users want to push the data or to consume data from”
  • CONNECTION_NAME: “Connection names of configurations saved for selected connector”
  • TRANSACTION_STATUS: “Indicator of Transaction if it is running or not”
  • ACTIVEMQ_STATUS: “Indicator of ActiveMQ Server if it is running or not”
  • START_TRANSACTION: “Start the transaction”
  • STOP_BUTTON: “Stop the transaction”
  • REFRESH: “Refresh form-data”
  • DELETE: “Delete transaction data from database and tag structure from tag browser”
  • SUBMIT: “Save the config data”
  • RESET: “Clear the form fields”
  • DATA_FORMAT: “Data format to convert captured data to”
  • DATA_SEPARATOR: “Separator between each message in a batch of data”
  • TRANSAFER_MESSAGE_SIZE: “Size of the single batch”
  • TAGS_PER_MESSAGE: “Number of messages to split into multiple batches”. If the value received is 0, then all the tags will be sent in a single message
  • STORE_AND_FORWARD: “If this box is checked, the unsent data will be stored in jms in case of connection loss”
  • IS_SEQUENCIAL: Checking this box ensures that when a connection is restored, the data stored earlier through “STORE_AND_FORWARD” is processed first before any new message is queued.
  • ACTIVEMQURL: “URL of External ActiveMq Server”
  • DATA_PULL_INTERVAL: “Interval of time between each message consumption”
  • TRIGGER_TYPE: “Different data pushing ways”
  • DATA_PUSH_INTERVAL: “How long to wait after pushing each batch of messages”
  • TAG_SCAN_TIMER: “Scanning the tag values at this interval of time pushing the data”
  • ALL_TAG_TRIGGER: “Whether to check all tags under the folder ProducerTags or just TriggerTags folder”
  • TRIGGER_RULES: “Custom rules on tag value change, whether to push data on a particular value of tag”
  • OPERATOR_TYPE: “Comparative operators to apply on tag value”
  • RULE_VALUE: “Value of tag to be checked with a changed value of tag”